The disciples did not understand Jesus’ way or his
purposes. They were committed to him,
but they didn’t really know who they were following. Jesus tried to build their faith, again and
again, but they just didn’t understand.
Sometimes they understood a bit, and then they would show that they
didn’t understand at all. Finally, Jesus
told him the most important message of all—and they showed that they understood
that least of all.
Another day, another crowd. This day it was four thousand men, not counting
the women and children. They had
followed Jesus far away from any community, and they were hungry. Jesus said to his disciples, “This crowd is
hungry and I feel sorry for them. If I
sent them home, they would collapse before they ever got there. What do you think we should do?”
Jesus was saying this to test the
disciples. Unfortunately, they didn’t
even know there was a pop quiz. “Who could possibly get enough bread for this
huge crowd,” they responded.
asked, “How many loaves of bread do you have?”
They replied, “Seven.”
Jesus told the disciples to sit the crowd down.
Again, Jesus gave thanks for and divided the bread. Again, there was enough for everyone to eat,
and seven baskets of bread leftover—one basket for each loaf there was to begin
Immediately after this, some of the
Pharisees came up to Jesus and demanded, “Give us a sign in the heavens to let
us know you really have authority.”
Jesus looked straight at them and said, “This rebellious generation
doesn’t deserve a sign. You don’t
believe even with what you have—you will get nothing more.”
A little later that day, Jesus was
in the boat with his disciples, and they were going across the lake. Jesus told his disciples, “Beware of the
yeast of the Pharisees.” The disciples,
though, weren’t really listening—they were concerned with how much bread they
had. “We’ve only got one loaf,” they
said, “That won’t be enough for all of us.
Perhaps Jesus is mad because we don’t have enough bread.”
Jesus heard this and was extremely
frustrated with them—“Why are you always concerned that we don’t have enough
bread? Are you pursuing stupidity? How is it that you don’t understand? Look, remember the first time I fed the five
thousand—how many loaves were there?”
They shyly said, “Five.”
“And how
many baskets did you pick up?”
“And when I fed the
four thousand, how many loaves were there then?”
They sheepishly replied, “Seven.”
“And how many baskets were left over?”
“Why don’t you get it? Haven’t
you learned the lesson yet?”
A couple days later, Jesus and his
disciples were in the villages surrounding Ceseria-Phillipi. As they were going along the way, Jesus asked
the disciples, “So, you’ve been listening to the crowds. Who do they think I am?” One replied, “Some think you are John the
Baptist risen from the dead. They think
that’s why you can do the miracles you do.”
Another disciple said, “Some think you are Elijah, just as Malachi
promised that he would return before the day of the Lord.” Another disciple said, “Most people think you
are just another of the prophets.”
Then Jesus got serious. “Look, starting the kingdom of God
is more difficult than anyone thought.
Some thought it would start if the Messiah gets the agreement of all the
Jewish leaders in Jerusalem . Some thought that if they got an army blessed
by God that the Messiah would conquer Jerusalem . Let me tell you the biggest secret— the Son
of Man is the Messiah, and he will go to Jerusalem . The Son of Man will be rejected by the chief
priests and Sanhedrin, and they will condemn him to death. Then they will hand him over to the Romans
and he will be killed. And on the third
day, he will be risen from the dead. This is how we will win Jerusalem .”
Simon took Jesus aside, where the rest of the
disciples couldn’t hear him and said, “Look Jesus, this simply can’t be
true. A dead man can’t rule Jerusalem . We won’t let such a thing happen to you. All you have to do is to convince the
Sanhedrin that you are on their side, then we can gather up an army…” “Shut up!”
Jesus yelled. “Get away from me,
Satan! You are tempting me with pleasing
words—but you do not know God’s will, only what man desires!” Jesus stomped away, over to where a crowd was
gathering to listen to him.
“Listen to me, all of you,” Jesus announced. “If you want to follow me, recognize that I
am leading a revolution. If you want
what I have—my healing, my salvation—then set aside your dreams and ideals and
get ready to be executed!
“If you want to save the life you
have—get ready to lose it. But if you
are willing to lose everything you have and everything you are for my sake and
for the teaching of God’s coming kingdom—that’s the only way you will gain any
life! What good is it for anyone if they
have their present life, but throw away any future they have! What will you trade for an eternal
future? A few dollars, a house, some
land? What about your whole life—that’s
what I’m offering. Trade in the life you
now live for an eternal future. If
anyone is ashamed of me or of my words before men, then I will be ashamed of them
before the Father on the final day.
your choice—choose me and lose your life, or choose your present life and lose
your future!”